Detectives of the Invisible: Towards a Cosmological Listening or How to Hear Elusive Particles

Rebecca Collins presenting her research at the Reina Sofia Museum

Rebecca was invited by curator Isabel De Naverán to contribute a three-hour seminar session as part of the ‘Collective Grief and Planetary Grief’ study group at the Reina Sofía Museum in Madrid. The session focused on the ongoing mysteries of our Universe and considered what it might take to have a sensory feel for new physics. The session also included a talk by physicist David Cerdeño on dark matter and a deep listening exercise in the computer cluster room at the Institute for Theoretical Physics at the Autonomous University in Madrid. This forms part of her wider ongoing project Parametres for Understanding Uncertainty (P4UU).

For further details of the full program see here (in English) or the program (in Spanish) below.