In September 2017, I presented a paper on ‘Transdisciplinary Migrations: Aurality, Affect and Documentation’ at the annual TaPRA (Theatre and Performance Research Association) conference held at Salford University.
The working group, convened by Johanna Linsley and Georgina Guy questioned the role of the document in producing legal performances of the self provoking questions related to the authenticity of documents in bureaucratic procedures and the artistic potential of a multiple public identity (we might think here of the work of Janez Jansa).
Alongside these questions, the group also sought to focus on the migration of concepts, styles and artistic conventions which might migrate between disciplines and institutions. My paper explored how the migration of concepts from sound studies, such as vibration, rhythm, affect and atmosphere, facilitate alternative modes of thinking through and documenting the theatrical event. I am currently revising and editing the paper for publication.