Sonic Ecologies /Sonic Solidarities

A reading group session with Edinburgh Environmental Humanities research network. Fred Carter & Alex Campbell hosted this session and I thoroughly enjoyed sharing and discussing material with fellow researchers in this context. The materials discussed were: Andrew Brooks’s ‘Songs of Noise & Opacity: Toward a Sonic Politics of Solidarity,’ The Contemporary Journal (October, 2020), attached PDF excerpts from The 2015 Baltimore […]

Thinking Infrastructures // Performing Meetings With invited guests Johanna Linsley and Rebecca Collins 16 June 2020

In mid-June, I was delighted to be invited by Prof Kristen Kreider and Tom Clark alongside Dr Johanna Linsley to present at MARs (Mountains of Research, Goldsmiths University) to talk about what we are thinking and how we are acting during this time of transition: a time where we are moving so much of our […]

Postcards from the Ongoing Investigation: Stolen Voices with Jan Mertens 2020 Lights Out Listening Group Podcast

‘Postcards from the ongoing Investigation’, a track Stolen Voices (Rebecca Collins & Johanna Linsely) recorded for the album 001 with Jan Mertens (released in 2019) recently featured in a stunning lockdown lineup for the Lights Out Listening Group. Lights Out Listening Group is a unique listening event that takes place in almost complete darkness. Normally, […]

Words, Spaces and Audio-Based Performance on Ars Sonora, RNE (Spanish Sound Art Radio Program), April 2020

Ars Sonora is a radio program solely dedicated to Sound Art transmitted weekly on Spanish National Radio (RNE) on their Classical Music Channel. In 2019, I was invited by Miguel Álvarez-Fernández to speak about the ‘Stolen Voices’ album this informed the first program (see earlier blog post). In 2020, Miguel invited me back to the […]

Film Festival at Home: FEMINISMS, COMRADES & COLLECTIVES Friday 10th April 2020

Ideal Viewing Date: Friday 10th April 2020 (some links/offers expire beyond this date) 10:00 – 12:00 SESSION ONE HAND MOVIE Yvonne Rainer. United States. 1966. Black and White, silent, 6.02’ FUSES Carolee Schneemann, United States. 1967. 16mm, colour, silent. 23’ SERPENT RIVER Sandra Lahire, United Kingdom. 1989. 16mm, colour, 32’ AFTERMATHS: A […]